Title: The Gospel of Healing

Author: A.B. Simpson


The author, A.B. Simpson, is the founder of the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination. The Alliance holds fast to Simpson’s four-fold gospel: Christ is our savior, sanctified, healer and coming King! The Gospel of Healing is a concise explanation of the healing that is available through Jesus for people today.

Simpson methodically lays out an argument for healing being made available today. First, he uses Scripture as the foundation. Then, Simpson goes into the principles of healing that are based on those scriptural foundations. Simpson also addresses some of the more popular objections that healing would still be available today. Then, Simpson lays out some practical directions to begin using the gift of healing. These directions provide safe guidelines for the use of healing today so that believers do not under use the gift of healing or abuse the gifts available through the Holy Spirit. Then, Simpson uses examples and illustrations of healing found in Scripture; both the Old and New Testaments. Lastly, Simpson gives his own personal testimony and experience with healing. The appendix includes some clarification and refutation on the cult of Christian Science and their view of healing.

Interesting Pieces

In chapter 1, Simpson explains that Exodus 15 is the first promise of healing in Scripture. God, providing instructions and encouragement to the Israelites says, “I am the Lord thy God which health thee” (Exodus 15:26). It is fascinating to see that God has always been our healer—from as far back as Moses and the Exodus out of Egypt.

Simpson also references Isaiah 53 in chapter 1. This passage is one of the most significant and powerful passages pointing to the atonement making healing available today. Isaiah says, “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried away our sorrows…and with His stripes we are healed.” This Old Testament prophecy is significant because Isaiah is predicting Jesus’s persecution and death. This passage also tells us that because of the atonement available through Jesus, we also have healing available to us. This healing is not only spiritual healing (our sins being atoned for), but also physical and mental healing. Isaiah says that He (Jesus) has taken on our grief and carried away our sorrows.

Simpson immediately goes to Matthew 8:16-17 where Jesus fulfills this Old Testament prophesy of Isaiah saying that he has come, not to give his enemies vindication of his divinity, but that he might fulfill the prophecies made of him in the Old Testament.

Simpson also references 1 Corinthians 12 where the spiritual gifts are listed. Healing is mentioned here as one of the gifts. Simpson notes that Spiritual gifts are available for the purpose of building up the Church. Since the church is still in existence today, the spiritual gift of healing is also available today. James 5 is also referred to by Simpson. James gives instructions to Christians to pray for healing through the elders, anointing with oil. James goes on in this same chapter to say that Christians should pray for one another to receive healing.

In chapter 2, Simpson addresses some principles of healing based on scripture. One of the principles of healing is that the source our disease and suffering can traced back to our sin nature. Jesus does not bring suffering onto us. He may, however, choose to not heal someone so that they may grow in faith.

In chapter 3, Simpson addresses some popular objections. One of the most popular objections to healing today is that the “apostolic age” has passed. The argument is that divine healing was only made available during this apostolic age. The “age of miracles” has not passed because Scripture does not indicate that this will happen.

Then, Simpson provides some practical guidance. He says we must be fully persuaded in the Word of God in this matter of healing. Since plenty of Scripture references addressing sin in the believer’s life, it is also appropriate to make sure that the one seeking healing is right with God before expecting healing to occur.


I was required to read this book as part of the ordination process with the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Coming from a background that does not fully engage the sign gifts like healing, I have not had much training in this area. I personally believe that the sign gifts are available today. This book and others like it have been helpful in my understanding of Scriptural support in the area of divine healing. The explanation of both Old and New Testament passages were especially helpful, not to mention some of the guidelines. I believe a large hesitation for Christians to participate in the gift of healing has been the abuse of these gifts. Many have been hurt in the past because of improper uses of the sign gifts such as healing. However, my belief is that we shouldn’t allow the fear of abuse prevent us from fully engaging the Holy Spirit and all His giftings.

Where to buy

The version of this book I read is part of a larger collection of Simpson’s works available on the Kindle. You can purchase the whole collection on Amazon for a few dollars.