Foundry Church is Launched!

Most (but not all) of our Launch team after our first service.

On September 10, 2023, we had our first official public worship service. Foundry Church is officially launched! Launch Sunday was so much fun and full of anticipation and energy. Many of you showed up for our first worship service, and we thank you for supporting us! The room was full, and it was so great to celebrate how God has been working and moving in Berwick and Foundry Church over the past several years. We had several folks show up for the first time, and we’re continuing to see new people join our worship services each week.


Summer Activities

Over the summer, we had pre-launch services each week. These services were primarily in the evening and mostly targeted for our launch team. We saw some new people join our launch team over the summer, too. One of the reasons we chose Sunday evenings rather than Sunday mornings was to allow me to preach at other area churches, casting our vision for a new church in Berwick and to ask for prayer and financial support. We had an overwhelming amount of support while visiting these churches and several agreed to support Foundry Church financially, too!

Our team preparing for “Celebrate Berwick”

Foundry Church also participated in “Celebrate Berwick,” a one-day carnival type event. On August 5, the town shut down part of Market Street and many vendors setup booths to sell products and food. Foundry Church offered free kids’ games and some chances for adults to win some prizes. We had lots of good conversations with people from our town and had the opportunity to share about Foundry’s launch day.

On August 27, we moved our Sunday worship service to the Ber Vaughn town park and moved our time to the morning. Immediately following the service, with the help of our sending church, Iron Mill, we sponsored all admissions into the Ber Vaughn pool for the entire day. Moving the location and time of the service brought many new faces! We had the opportunity to have many conversations and hand out lots of literature to folks coming to the pool. Many were unexpectedly surprised to find out that a church would be paying for their entrance into the town pool. We were happy to provide a good time for our community and have the opportunity to tell hundreds of people about our launch Sunday!

Foundry Church sponsored everyone’s admission to the Ber Vaughn Pool and invited everyone to our launch Sunday service!

Coming Up

We have several events planned for the fall. We are in the process of planning Foundry’s first baptism service! We’re still working out all the details, so follow us on social media to see when and where we’ll do this exciting service. Seeing new people joining our church and seeing people commit to following Jesus is what Foundry is all about! We want to continue seeing disciples being made who make more disciples. And just because we launched doesn’t mean we’re finished! The work is just beginning. Our goal is to see Foundry Church become a sending, multiplying church. We want to plant churches who plant churches!

Thank You!

Many of you have given to our Greenhouse Fund or Foundry Church at some point. For that, we want to say a huge THANK YOU! Your generosity has helped us continue doing what God has called us to do.

If you’re reading this and not part of Foundry Church, we are humbly asking if you would consider giving to Foundry Church for two years while we work to establish a financially self-sufficient church body. If you have been giving to the Greenhouse Fund, we ask that you migrate that support to Foundry Church. This can be done online at or through the mail at
Foundry Church, 107 S. Market St, STE 3, Berwick, PA 18603.

Please keep praying that we have opportunities to share God’s overwhelming love with people in our town and surrounding areas.

Serving Jesus with you,
Brandon Glenn